On Epiphanies of Immediacy

A TEDxTalk by John Halcyon Styn

Dust Storms 101 
“Surrender” in a military sense has a connotation of weakness and loss.  But it is WHAT we surrender to that makes all the difference.   Could we be better off letting go?  The false idols of Planning, Preparation, & Intellectual Analysis may be blocking our paths to true happiness. Attachment to outcomes – even our own picture of happiness – can be our biggest foe.  In this Playa-themed talk, we’ll learn to surrender to our hearts as we practice surrendering to the dust.

Creativity Training

Remembering your pivotal experiences can influence the rest of your life. How you remember and how you apply your memories is crucial (not to mention: fun). Enjoy this memory game from the Einstein Moments web site, which you can still find in a clearing in the Electric Forest.

For the first time, event coverage includes creativity training to help you make best use of the presentations, both as you absorb the information and then put it to use.

Visit the Einstein Moments site for more information. It was developed for The Electric Forest to help participants discover genius within themselves.


Explore the topic in a phone call with John

Presentation Slides


